Innovative Curricula and Experiential Learning

Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering

"Microelectronics, photonics, and mixed signal electronics are key focus areas in ECSE. Students receive a broad range of training including modeling, analysis, design, and fabrication of electronics devices and systems using state-of-the-art software and equipment. In the graduate program, in-depth courses in semiconductors are offered together with a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary training from materials engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, physics, and chemistry. Students can receive a Master of Science degree in Semiconductor Science and Engineering or Ph.D. specializing in microelectronics".

John Wen  
Professor and Department Head  
Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering

  • ECSE 2010 - Electric Circuits
  • ECSE 2050 - Introduction to Electronics
  • ECSE 2210 - Microelectronics Technology
  • ECSE 4030 - Analog IC Design
  • ECSE 4040 - Digital Electronics
  • ECSE 4050- Advanced Electronic Circuits
  • ECSE 4080 - Semiconductor Power Electronics
  • ECSE 4220 - VLSI Design
  • ECSE 4250 - Integrated Circuit Processes and Design
  • ECSE 4310 - Fundamentals of RF/Microwave Engineering
  • ECSE 4320 - Advanced Computer Systems
  • ECSE 4370 - Introduction to Optoelectronics Technology
  • ECSE 4720 - Solid State Physics
  • ECSE 4770 - Computer Hardware Design
  • ECSE 4780 - Advanced Computer Hardware Design
  • ECSE 4780/6700 - Advanced Computer Hardware Design 
  • ECSE 4790 - Microprocessor Systems
  • ECSE 6050 - Advanced Electronic Circuits
  • ECSE 6090 - Advanced Power Electronics 
  • ECSE 6200 - Semiconductor Device Characterization 
  • ECSE 6210 - Advanced Device Concepts
  • ECSE 6220 - Physical Foundations of Solid-State Devices
  • ECSE 6230 - Semiconductor Devices and Models I
  • ECSE 6240 - VLSI Fabrication Laboratory
  • ECSE 6260 - Semiconductor Power Devices
  • ECSE 6270 - Optoelectronics
  • ECSE 6290 - Semiconductor Devices and Models II 
  • ECSE 6300 - Integrated Circuit Fabrication Laboratory
  • ECSE 6310 - Fundamentals of RF/Microwave Engineering
  • ECSE 6320 - Advanced Computer Systems
  • ECSE 6680 - Advanced VLSI Design 

Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering

“Thermal management, mechanical/structural reliability, optimal design, sustainable manufacturing, and model-based engineering are relevant topics to the microelectronics industry that are addressed in the educational programs at the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. levels in the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering (MANE). We train our students to use the state-of-the-art experimental facilities and massively parallel supercomputers necessary to develop more advanced, reliable devices. In MANE, we understand that to solve the big challenges of our time requires bringing together people with diverse backgrounds and expertise. Our faculty and students work collaboratively in an inclusive and collegial environment. Our unique multidisciplinary design and Inventor Studio courses prepare our students to be lifelong innovators with an entrepreneurial spirit. Our graduates have gone on to successful careers in the microelectronics industry, leading teams in manufacturing, modeling and simulation, and thermal management.”      
Antoinette Maniatty      
Professor and Acting Department Head      
Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering

  • MANE 4280 - Numerical Design Optimization 
  • MANE 4670 - Mechanical Behavior of Materials
  • MANE 4730 - Heat Transfer 
  • MANE 4740 - Thermal and Fluids Engineering Laboratory
  • MANE 4790 - Advanced Heat Transfer
  • MANE 6140 - Introduction to CFD
  • MANE 6170 - Mechanics of Solids
  • MANE 6460 - Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue of Materials
  • MANE 6630 - Conduction Heat Transfer
  • MANE 6640 - Radiation Heat Transfer
  • MANE 6650 - Convective Heat Transfer
  • MANE 6660 - Fundamentals of Finite Elements
  • MANE 6680 - Finite Element Programming 
  • MANE 6710 - Numerical Design Optimization
  • MANE 6790 - Advanced Heat Transfer
  • MANE 696x - Conduction in Macro/Micro Systems
  • MANE 696x - Mechanics of Thin Films
  • MANE 696x - Microelectromechanical Systems Physics and Design
  • MANE 696x - Nano- to Macro-scale Heat Conduction

Chemical and Biological Engineering

“Chemical engineering has been part of RPI’s microelectronics effort since the mid 1980s. Our core disciplines of thermodynamics, transport processes, reactor design, and process control are powerful tools that also drive the microelectronics industry. We have sent many dozens of undergraduate and graduate students to Intel, IBM, Samsung, GlobalFoundries, LG, Applied Materials, Lam Research, ASML, Apple, Broadcom, Qualcomm, Google, Tokyo Electron, and NVIDIA. All have been very successful and are critical to processing microelectronic materials and devices. We have worked on chemical-mechanical polishing, optical interconnects, low-dielectric materials, 2-D materials, resistive memory, glancing angle deposition, etching and deposition, and pore sealing, among other projects.”

Joel Plawsky 
Professor and Department Head    
Isermann Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

  • CHME 4010 - Transport Phenomena I
  • CHME 4011 - Semiconductor Electrochemistry
  • CHME 4020 - Transport Phenomena II
  • CHME 4050 - Chemical Process Design: Fundamentals 
  • CHME 4060 - Chemical Process Design: Applications
  • CHME 4600 - Introduction to Semiconductor Processing
  • CHME 6011 - Semiconductor Electrochemistry
  • CHME 6540 - Convective Heat Transfer

Materials Science and Engineering

“The Department of Materials Science and Engineering has a strong research and educational focus on electronic materials, including computational design, synthesis, and characterization. We offer core undergraduate and graduate courses in electrical and optical properties and electives such as thin films and functional ceramics. Aspects of other courses, such as Modeling of Materials and Materials Informatics and Data Science, address electronic properties. A significant fraction of our bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. graduates have found fulfilling and successful careers in the microelectronics industry, including at industry leaders such as IBM, GlobalFoundries, Micron, Intel, and Samsung.”

Pawel Keblinski    
Professor and Department Head    
Department of Materials Science and Engineering    

  • MTLE 4160 - Semiconducting Materials
  • MTLE 4200 - Electrical and Optical Properties of Materials
  • MTLE 4250 - Mechanical Properties of Materials
  • MTLE 4440 - Thin Films 
  • MTLE 6010 - Defects in Solids
  • MTLE 6080 - Electron Microscopy of Materials
  • MTLE 6120 - Advanced Electronic Properties of Materials 
  • MTLE 6220 - Advanced Semiconducting Materials and Processing
  • MTLE 6300 - Integrated Circuit Fabrication Laboratory
  • MTLE 6430 - Materials Characterization 
  • MTLE 6440 - Thin Films

Other Courses Offered

  • PHYS 6710 - Theory of Solids I
  • PHYS 4720 - Solid State Physics
  • ENGR 6120 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes and Systems
  • ISYE 4210 - Design and Analysis of Supply Chains
  • ISYE 6600 - Design of Manufacturing System Supply Chain
  • ISYE 6780 - Introduction to Optimization
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