James Hendler

James Hendler

Professor, Computer Science

Research Expertise
Scientific data, data science for healthcare, AI and machine learning, semantic data integration

Hendler is a data scientist with specific interests in open government and scientific data, data science for healthcare, AI and machine learning, semantic data integration and the use of data in government. 


Hendler, J. (2023), “Understanding the limits of AI coding”, Science, 79, pp.548.

Klein, E., Hendler, J. (2022), “Loaded Language and Conspiracy Theorizing”, Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society: Cognitive Diversity, CogSci 2022, pp.2671-2679.

Keshan, N., Fontaine, K., Hendler, J. (2022) “Semiautomated process for generating knowledge graphs for marginalized community doctoral-recipients”, International Journal of Web Information Systems, 18, 2022, pp.413-431.

Hendler, J.A. (2022) “The future of the web”, The Internet and Philosophy of Science, pp.71-83.

Chaudhri, V.K., Baru, C., Chittar, N., Dong, X.L., Genesereth, M., Hendler, J., Kalyanpur, A., Lenat, D.B., Sequeda, J., Vrandečić, D., Wang, K. (2022) “Knowledge graphs: Introduction, history, and perspectives”, AI Magazine, 43, pp.17-29.

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