Assistant Professor, Lally School of Management
Dr. Souyris’ research addresses issues related to the challenges and the means of achieving environmental and human sustainability from an operations management perspective, combining optimization modeling, data analytics, and econometric modeling.
Souyris, S., S. Seshadri, and S. Subramanian (2022) Scheduling Advertisements on Cable Television. Operations Research, Forthcoming.
Cortés, C. E., M. Gendreau, L. M. Rousseau, S. Souyris, and A. Weintraub (2014) Branch-and-Price and Constraint Programming for Solving a Real-Life Technician Dispatching Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 238 (1): 300–312.
Souyris, S., C. E. Cortés, F. Ordoñez, and A. Weintraub (2013) A Robust Optimization Approach to Dispatching Technicians under Stochastic Service Times. Optimization Letters, 7: 1549–1568.
Souyris, S., A. Balakrishnan, J. Duan, and V. Rai. (2022) Diffusion of Residential Solar Power Systems: A Dynamic Discrete Choice Approach, submitted.
Hao, S., Y. Xu , U. K. Mukherjee, S. Souyris, S. Seshadri, A. Ivanov, M. E. Ahsen (2021) Hotspots for Emerging Epidemics: Multi-Task and Transfer Learning over Mobility Networks. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3858274.