Professor, Lally School of Management
Rethinking global supply chains for the new reality Supply chain structure, agility Disruption and risk mitigation Supply chain transparency, traceability Supply chain finance
Sukruth Suresh, T. Ravichandran (2022) Vendor Gains in Business Process Outsourcing, in print, Information Systems Frontiers, February, 24:, 677-690
Shailesh Divey, Hakan Hekimoglu, T. Ravichandran (2022) The Role of Real Time Event Monitoring in Dynamic Response to Disruptions, Production and Operations Management, July 2022.
Shailesh Divey, Hakan Hekimoglu, T. Ravichandran “Firm Risks and Network Adaptation”, Production and Operations Management, November 2022.
Suparna Goswami, T. Ravichandran, Hock-Hai Teo (2012) Relational Antecedents of Information Visibility in Value Networks, International Conference in Information Systems, Orlando, December 17-20, 2012.
T. Ravichandran (2018) Exploring the Relationships between IT Competence, Innovation Capacity and Organizational Agility, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 27:1, 22-42, March 2018.
Cui, A, Zhao, M, T. Ravichandran (2011) Market Uncertainty and Dynamic New Product Launch Strategies: A Systems Dynamics Model, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 58:3, August 2011, 530-550.