Professor, Tetherless World Senior Constellation Chair, Computer Science, Cognitive Science, and Industrial and Systems Engineering
Deborah McGuinness is a leading expert in knowledge representation and reasoning languages and systems and has worked in ontology creation and evolution environments for over 20 years. Most recently, McGuinness is best known for her leadership role in semantic web research, and for her work on explanation, trust, and applications of semantic web technology, particularly for scientific applications.
Ilievski, F., Oltramari, A., Ma, K., Zhang, B., McGuinness, D.L., Pedro Szekely, P. (2021) Dimensions of commonsense knowledge, Knowledge-Based Systems, 229
Santos, H., Kejriwal, M., Mulvehill, A.M., Forbush, G., McGuinness, D.L. (2021) An experimental study measuring human annotator categorization agreement on commonsense sentences, Experimental Results, 2, 2021.
Padhiar, I., Seneviratne, O., Chari, S., Gruen, D., McGuinness, D.L., (2021) Semantic Modeling for Food Recommendation Explanations, Proceedings - 2021 IEEE 37th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops, ICDEW 2021, pp.13-19.
Shirai, S.S., Seneviratne, O., Gordon, M.E., Chen, C.H., McGuinness, D.L. (2021) Identifying Ingredient Substitutions Using a Knowledge Graph of Food, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 3.
Santos, H., McCusker, J.P., McGuinness, D.L. (2021) Geospatial reasoning with shapefiles for supporting policy decisions, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2977, pp.113-120.