Edwin Fohtung

Edwin Fohtung

Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering

Research Expertise
Probing structure and dynamics



Coherent X-ray scattering and imaging, neutron scattering, light matter interactions, AI implementation


Jiang, J., Zhang, L., Ming, C. et al. (2022) “Giant pyroelectricity in nanomembranes” Nature, 607, 480–485, 

Minkevich, A.A., Fohtung, E., Slobodskyy, T. et.al. (2011) “Strain field in (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs periodic wires revealed by coherent X-ray diffraction”, Europhysics Letters, 94 (6), 66001

Ulvestad, A., Cho, H.M., Harder R. et. al. (2014) “Nanoscale strain mapping in battery nanostructures”, Applied Physics Letters 104 (7), 073108

Minkevich, A.A., Fohtung, E., Slobodskyy, T. et.al. (2011) “Selective coherent x-ray diffractive imaging of displacement fields in (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs periodic wires”, Physical Review B 84 (5), 054113

Riotte, M., Fohtung, E., Grigoriev, D. et.al. (2010), “Lateral ordering, strain, and morphology evolution of InGaAs/GaAs(001) quantum dots due to high temperature postgrowth annealing”, Applied Physics Letters 96 (8), 083102

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