Toh-Ming Lu

Toh-Ming Lu

Professor, Physics, Applied Physics & Astronomy

Research Expertise
Advanced high-speed interconnects

Research focuses on ultrathin layer materials such as graphene to promote van der Waals epitaxial growth of interconnect metals. The first level metals used include Ru, Re, and Ir. Graphene can also be used as a barrier layer to prevent metal diffusion.


Timalsina, Y.P., Horning, A., Spivey, R.F., Lewis, K.M., Kuan, T-S. Wang, G.C., Lu, T-M.(2015) "Effects of nanoscale surface roughness on the resistivity of ultrathin epitaxial copper films"", Nanotechnology 26, 075704 (2015). DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/26/7/075704

Sun, X., Lu, Z., Gupta, T., Basu, S., Koratkar,N., Washington, M., Lu, T-M (2019) "Comparative study on the antioxidation behaviors of polycrystalline multilayer and single-crystalline monolayer graphene"", 2D Materials, 6, pp 015020, Doi: 10.1088/2053-1583/aaf033

Zhang, Y., Wang, G-C., Lu, T-M., Kuan, T-S. (2020), “Chemical reaction induced carrier localization in nanometer-thin Al/Ru, Al/Co,and Al/Mo superlattices,” Nanotechnology 31, 035001, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/ab453f

Sun, X., Lu, Z., Chen, Z., Wang, Y., Jian Shi, J., Washington, M., Lu, T-M. (2018) "Single-crystal graphene-directed van der Waals epitaxial resistive switching"", ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 10(7), pp 6730-6736, doi: 10.1021/acsami.7b18385

Xu, Y., Lu, T-M., J.L. (2022) "A transport model describing how defect accumulation leads to intrinsic dielectric breakdown and post-breakdown conduction"", Microelectronics Reliability 128, 114459, doi: 10.1016/j.microrel.2021.114459

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