Ishwara Bhat

Ishwara Bhat

Professor, Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering

Research Expertise
Semiconductor materials and processing

Development of novel processes for device fabrication, non contact lifetime measurement


Wen. X., Lu, Z., Sun, X., Xiang, Y., Chen, Z., Shi, J. Bhat, I., Wang, G-C., Washington, M., Lu, T-M. (2020), Epitaxial CdTe Thin Films on Mica by Vapor Transport Deposition for Flexible Solar Cells, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3, pp.4589-4599.

Zhou, X., Hitchcock, C., Tang, I., Bhat, B., Chow, T.P. (2020) Gate capacitance and conductance-voltage characteristics of vertical 4H-SiC MOSFETs, Materials Science Forum, 1004 MSF, pp.614-619.

Hsieh, M-L., Chen, S-Y. Kaiser, A., Yan, Y-J., Frey, B., Bhat, I., Dahal, R., Bhattacharya, S., John, S., Lin, S-Y. (2019) A low cost and large-scale synthesis of 3D photonic crystal with SP2 lattice symmetry, AIP Advances, 9, 2019.

Mohanty, D., Lu., Z., Sun, X., Xiang, Y., Gao, L., Shi, J., Zhang, L., Kisslinger, K., Washington, M., Wang, G-C., Lu, T-M., Bhat, I. (2019) Growth of epitaxial CdTe thin films on amorphous substrates using single crystal graphene buffer, Carbon, 144, 2019, pp.519-524.

Mohanty, D., Sun, X., Lu., Z., Washington, M., Wang, G-C., Lu, T-M., Bhat, I. (2018) Analyses of orientational superlattice domains in epitaxial ZnTe thin films grown on graphene and mica, Journal of Applied Physics, 124, 2018.

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