Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Our group works on optoelectronics, and photonic materials/devices for classical and quantum computing
1. Wei Bao†, M. Melli†, et. al. “Mapping Local Charge Recombination Heterogeneity by Multidimensional Nanospectroscopic Imaging”, Science, 338, 1317, (2012)
2. Wei Bao†, Nicholas J. Borys†, et. al. “Visualizing nanoscale excitonic relaxation properties of disordered edges and grain boundaries in monolayer molybdenum disulfide” Nature Communications, 6, 7993 (2015)
3. Renjie Tao†, Kai Peng†, Louis Haeberlé , Quanwei Li , Dafei Jin , Graham R. Fleming , Stéphane Kéna-Cohen , Xiang Zhang*, Wei Bao*. "Halide perovskites enable polaritonic XY spin Hamiltonian at room temperature" Nature Materials, 21, 761–766 (2022)
4. Tingting Wang†, Zhihao Zang†, Yuchen Gao, Chao Lyu, Pingfan Gu, Yige Yao, Kai Peng*, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Xiaoze Liu, Yunan Gao*, Wei Bao*, Yu Ye*. "Electrically pumped polarized exciton-polaritons in a halide perovskite microcavity" Nano Letters, 22, 5175–5181, (2022)
5. Kai Peng†, Renjie Tao†, Louis Haeberlé , Quanwei Li , Dafei Jin , Graham R. Fleming , Stéphane Kéna-Cohen , Xiang Zhang*, Wei Bao*. "Room-temperature polariton quantum fluids in halide perovskites" Nature Communications, 13, 7388 (2022)