Robert Hull

Robert Hull

Professor, Materials Science and Engineering

Research Expertise
Microelectronic materials and metrology

Semiconductor materials, epitaxy, and defects; interconnect materials and degradation mechanisms; advanced metrology, in situ electron microscopy of kinetic processes in semiconductor materials and devices


Chee, S.W., Kammler, M., Graham, J. Gignac, L., Reuter, M., Hull, R., Ross, F. (2018) “Directed Self-Assembly of Ge Quantum Dots Using Focused Si2+ Ion Beam Patterning”, Scientific Reports, 8, 9361

Pragnya, P., Pinkowitz, A., Hull, R., Gall, D. (2019) “Electrochemical memristive devices based on submonolayer metal deposition, APL Materials. 7. 101121

Hull, R., Keblinski, P., Lewis, D., Maniatty, A., Meunier, V., Oberai, A., Picu, C., Samuel, J., Shephard, M., Tomozawa, M., Vashishth, D., Zhang, S. (2018) “Stochasticity in materials structure, properties, and processing -a review”, Applied Physics Reviews. 5. 011302

Andersen, D., Hull. R. (2017) “Distributions of kinetic pathways in strain relaxation of heteroepitaxial films”, Journal of Materials Research. Journal of Materials Research 32, 1-15

Parvaneh, H., Hull, R. (2014) “Examination of Ion Induced Auger Electron Spectra of Tu, Cr and Co in a mass-selecting focused ion beam with a gold-silicon metal ion source”, Vacuum 110, 69-73

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